Wednesday, February 15, 2012

if you have nostrils, breathe. if you have eyes, read. k thanks!

damn. it has been a really effing long time since i've posted a new blog and i sincerely apologize to those of you who actually care enough to read it. so much has happened in my life since november, it's crazy. i mean, you think of your life in terms of months and for me, i think that over the course of 2 or 3 months that not that much can or will change, but let me tell you... it sure as heck did. here's a brief overview of what's happened... :)

OKAY. where do i begin. in november, i still really liked this one guy. who isn't even a part of my life anymore. long story with that, but let's just say that i'm too awesome and he couldn't handle it. lmao. (you'll notice that this is a recurring theme with guys in my life if you stick around and read my blog often enough). anyway, that was back in the very beginning of december. then about halfway through december, this guy i met a few months before and i started talking a lot, and we ended up dating... for like a week. he made me the happiest i've ever been, and now, he also is not a part of my life anymore. like i said, i am seriously just way too awesome for him and he couldn't handle it and booked. ;) ha okay so there is way more to the story than that but i'm sure some undesirables who are connected to him will see this and quite frankly, i don't give enough of a damn to even take the time to write the story. so i'll just say this, sometimes people appear to be a certain way, and when you get down to it, they are absolutely nothing like you thought, and you realize you're better off without them. that's all.

so since then, i've been ridin' solo. WORD. over the past couple months i have gotten to know a lot of really great people who i absolutely loveeee! (kort, ally, jas.. i'm talking about you lovely ladies!) all of us have spent countless nights out at chris's lovely fish house, which before this year, i had never even set foot in one. crazy right!? :) more memories have been made out there than i can honestly begin to talk about. i love my crazy friends and our crazy nights together. :)

aaaand the last major thing that has happened in my life really is... drum roll puuhhleeeaseee...... I JOINED A SORORITY! i know what you're thinking.. katie? in a sorority? seriously? it's okay. because honestly, i never could or would have seen myself in a sorority if you had asked me about it even just over christmas break. i had no intention or desire even really to join. i mean, it's not like i had anything against it, it just really wasn't something i knew anything about or wanted to pursue. but when the new semester started, i met two amazing girls (heather and aimee!) in my spanish class, and they are the reason that i am now a new member of Alpha Chi Omega at MSU! :) so thanks girls!! <3 i honestly haven't done much as part of the sorority yet, but i have gone through my first degree of initiation, and i've been to a couple events to mingle and meet all my sisters! even though i am not that involved with AXO yet, i really seriously LOVE it. i love going out and seeing all my sisters and getting to know them better and everything. i'm fairly certain that joining this sorority is one of the best decisions i have made and will make throughout my college career. there's a lot of things in store for me ahead with AXO.. especially from now until the end of March when my official initiation is!! i'm so hacking excited. getting to know everyone and learning everyone's names, i should add, is kinda hard. i suck at remembering names, so if you're one of my sistahs, and you're reading this, you should know i love you and i'm sorry if i ask you 5 times what your name is!! haha

okay so outside of all that stuff... school has otherwise been going well i guess. except math is and always will be a huge pain in my butt. UGH. i skip that class so much i really need to stop. but seriously, if you wanna tutor me, i would be eternally grateful. i sincerely hope that math is not required much further into my major than is just required to fulfill a goal area... efffffffffff. speaking of which! i have actually decided on a major for now! (i think!) i've heard it's really difficult from a few people... but... speech pathology. i am obsessed with the show switched at birth, and it's centered around a lot of sign language and what not, and i am also currently enrolled in a sign language class at MSU. i love it and think it's so frickin sweet, so i kinda figured that i could work with deaf children and help them and make use of sign language toooo! :) so we'll see where that goes. i don't need to declare a major yet but perhaps next year. OKAY. well this blog is really boring i know because it's just an update of my life and my life really isn't all that exciting. maybe next post will be more fun and interesting. :P OKAY WELL I NEED SLEEPS NOW BECAUSE I HAVE A FEW TESTS TOMORROW... that i haven't studied for yet. good night all you sexy bias. :)

peace and blessings. <3

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

i've had an epiphany.

okay, not really. this isn't some magical thing that just popped into my head. it's obviously something that everyone knows, or SHOULD know, anyway. and that is that no matter what happens, no matter how many times you get shit on by someone, and no matter how unfair you get treated, always be the better person. growing up, my parents always told me to treat people with respect (even though i didn't always have the easiest time doing that, sorry mom and dad. :P), be nice to people even if i didn't like them, and to not do anything to another person that i wouldn't want done to myself. not going to lie, i've definitely felt like i've been treated really shitty by people lately, and it's driven me to the point of tears on more than one occasion. i've spent many hours and many a sleepless night just wondering why or how a person could be so outwardly mean to another person. i've basically given up trying to understand why other people do these things, because i will never understand. one thing i do understand though, is it's not my fault. i didn't do anything to deserve it. and i'm not going to do anything to deserve it either. i'm a firm believer in whatever goes around, comes around. so i'm just going to keep trying my best to be an example of how people should treat others. i'm not trying to sound like a saint, because i'm not. i don't even necessarily consider myself a good person. i'm just trying to make everyone else's lives a little less crazy and complicated, and if i can do that by just smiling or being a good friend, then i'm all for it. that's all for now. until next time... peace and blessings. :)


Monday, October 3, 2011

swirlies in my light fixture.

so i wouldn't necessarily say i'm in one of my "upper moods"... but i'm not in a bad mood at the moment. :) which is a really good thing! i was making a sincere attempt to finish an assignment for my composition class but i just don't understand it so i don't really want to keep spending time on it when i could be doing it totally wrong. i was so smart in high school and now i get to college and i feel dumb. lol go figure. anyway, let's see... what have i got going on... nothing really. my day was pretty boring. i had class this morning and then went to work right after. today marks the 3rd day that i've worked in a row. i think that is a record, because tomorrow i work AGAIN. then i don't work until sunday. it's going to be SO nice to just come home from class and not have to do a damn thing. i predict there's gonna be a massive amount of nappage going on in my big comfy bed. :) :) not to get off topic or anything, but this bed is the most comfortable thing i've ever slept on except for my dog's bed. wtf. i'm weird. ha anyway, back on topic. actually, just kidding. i don't even remember what i was talking about and to be quite honest going back and sifting through all this text is just more effort than i want to exert right now. #lazywin. this is the most random blog post to date that i have ever written. i can't decide if that is funny or just kind of sad. no matter... i guess my mood just keeps getting better as i write more because a mixture of my humor that only i get sometimes and my stupidity is just cracking me up. :D my turn to cook family dinner this week with my friends! i'm busting out my inner latina chica and cooking some mexican foods like my grandma makes. in case you guys didn't know, i'm half mexican. although i kinda go around flaunting it. like i'm pretty sure everyone that knows me decently well knows that i'm mexican. anyway, i'm planning on making enchiladas (mainly because that was requested.. enchiladas aren't typically a "traditional" mexican meal that my grandma would make), fried tacos (a variation of normal tacos, obviously, but with ground beef, little chunks of potato, in a tortilla and then friend in vegetable oil! soooo delicious), pico de gallo (tomato, onion, cilantro, jalapeƱo peppers, and lime juice!) guacamole, (mabes), and homemade tortillas hopefully. as far as family dinners go here in kato, i think that my meal is going to be the most elaborate that we've had so far.. my trophy is coming in the mail. heeeeells yeah. well... i think that for the sake of ongoing ranting about nothing, i am going to end this rando blog post...... AQUI. 

much love. :)


Wednesday, September 28, 2011

even on my weakest days i get a little bit stronger.

i swear to god i am bi-polar. or maybe i'm just extremely hormonal. who the fuck knows. either way, my mood swings are giving me a bit of emotional whiplash. earlier today, i was so stinking happy. if i had seen someone walking around campus being as giddy as i was, i probably would have walked up to them and smacked them because those types of people annoy me. and now, i'm in my pissy poor me mood. what the hell? what brought this on? i guess i don't know what it is these days that is making me so happy. i really am blessed to have such a wonderful family and really amazing friends... but something just feels like it's missing. while i do absolutely love my friends that i've made here in kato, i just miss the familiarity of the ones back home. or the ones that i've known for years... there's always just stuff that you need someone who really knows you to talk to about, because they're the only ones who understand you, or can give you advice. here, i don't trust anyone THAT much yet. it really sucks having two of your best friends living far away. i mean, my best friend esra lives 4321 miles away. it's a little hard to find times that we can talk, but we make it work. my other best friend lauren lives like 20 minutes away. i have a bunch of people i call my best friends.. i use the term pretty loosely because it is so hard to just have ONE best friend. (lol love you all). so it's not that far, but it's hard for her to make time to come see me or anything because she's so busy with all her school stuff. she's just a popular little thing. :') lol love her. anyway, i don't blame them for being busy or for living so far away, it's just me being selfish like usual. what else is new? i just need someone to talk to that i know i can trust. that's all. i guess just certain things are really confusing me right now and i really just wish i could figure out the answers to all my problems. unfortunately, life's a bitch, and people are too. it's not that easy to figure out what is going on and why it is happening that way and why people do certain things to you or say certain things or act a certain way. at the end of the day, i still think life is a mystery. you never know why anything happens and you may never understand why it happens. but all that matters is that it IS happening, and you gotta learn to make the best of a shitty situation, quit being a baby and suck it up. it's something i'm slowly learning to do... very slowly. i still let the little things get to me sometimes, but i'm getting better. i need to get to bed, but i'll post again soon. perhaps when i'm in my upper mood. ;) much love!


Saturday, September 17, 2011


yes, it is true. i am coming home tonight. if i lived like 93284 miles away, it would probably be a bigger deal, but whatever. i haven't  been home for a few weeks now and i'm actually excited to go home and see my mommy and my baby brother and even my bird... haha. kato is like a second home to me, but no matter what happens, waseca will always be my one and only home. :) annnnyyywwaaay... there's a football game here today. don't think i'm going to be going though.. i feel like i'm getting sick and sitting out in the cold just doesn't sound the greatest right now. maybe next weekend! oh wait, nope. because i have to work. AWESOME SAUCE. no matter, i think i'm just gonna clean up the apartment then head out. i don't know why i started this post today. probably had the intention of writing something awesome or inspiring but it's just not coming to me today. i guess this is what we would call a free write then. nothing is weighing too heavy on my mind right now and that's good. :) loving kato more and more every day! i'm loving my classes (not all the homework though), definitely loving the parties, and my friends. i was so worried i was gonna be a loner here when i came over here just because i'm usually really shy around people i don't know. but when you move to a place where hardly anyone knows you, you are blessed with the opportunity to reinvent yourself. you can be anyone you want to be, because no one knows what you've done, who you've been with, what you were like before. it's actually a really great thing and i think i like who i have become since i moved. for the most part anyway. :) well, i better get to that cleaning now. the dishes aren't going to do themselves! although i seriously wish they would. fffffffffuuuuuuuuu-.... peace. and. blessings.


Wednesday, September 14, 2011

to write is...

i find it incredibly hard to believe that i've been here in mankato for almost a month. it really doesn't feel like it has been that long. i guess time flies when you're having fun! (like writing essays the day before they're due is really fun... not doing that again. EVER. lesson learned.) anyway... earlier today i was in a really fantastic mood. i just got to thinking about how awesome my life is right now and how lucky i am to have made such good friends here in mankato. i just got home not too long ago from hot tubbing it up with jamie and the boys and had fun as always. that dick of a security guard really  needs to lay off patrol though, ha i think he might start to think he's really a cop or something. anyway, now that i'm back in my room in my apartment, i'm all by myself. that's when my mind really starts to wander.. i start thinking too much about things i really probably have no reason to be worried about and for the sake of not spilling all my dirty little secrets to whoever ends up reading this, we'll just leave it at that. well, actually, let's just say that i'm not exactly thrilled with the way some certain events have panned out, and i'm wishing that there was something i could do about it. but, like i always say, no sense dwelling on something you can't change, and ultimately have no control over. at the end of the day, no matter how many stupid choices i make, no matter how bad i screw up, i know that my friends have got my back, and you guys really have no idea how blessed i am to have you. :) even if you are all really weird. time to actually stick it to my homework now! i'll post again soon. oh, hey, t-minus 9 minutes until thursday... stay thirsty my friends. ;)

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

when you've got nothing else...

it's actually been quite a while since i've posted a blog. i apologize, although the two of you that actually follow my blog probably don't give a shit. :) tonight, was a good night. just like all the rest of my nights here in mankato. i moved out on august 19th, and although i miss my waseca home and friends and family, i absolutely love it here. i have come to find that making new friends would not be as hard as i thought it would be, and i have a group of people who is my kato family, and i love them all so much. lately i've been feeling a lot of pressure from my family to change who i am. not gonna lie to you, i've been drinking here in kato. i'm in college, get off my balls. it's not like i'm an alcoholic, i just like to party with my friends. no big d. but my family seems to think i've changed completely, and it's sadly just not the truth. i moved out for a reason. i wanted to make my own choices and live life for myself for once instead of constantly living up to someone else's standards. i'm not a loser, contrary to what my loving twin sister thinks. fortunately for me, i know the truth behind her words. she used to drink, and smoke and do whatever else. so it's not like i'm the only one who has ever done it. i'm just sick of feeling worthless to all my family. i guess at the end of the day, i'm glad my kato family has still got my back. and if my real family refuses to accept me for the way i am, they will. truth? yes. harsh? maybe. do i care. hell yeah i do. but it's just the way it is i guess. i love you jamie, grant, sammy, paul, allen, kristina, megan, alonna. <3