Wednesday, February 15, 2012

if you have nostrils, breathe. if you have eyes, read. k thanks!

damn. it has been a really effing long time since i've posted a new blog and i sincerely apologize to those of you who actually care enough to read it. so much has happened in my life since november, it's crazy. i mean, you think of your life in terms of months and for me, i think that over the course of 2 or 3 months that not that much can or will change, but let me tell you... it sure as heck did. here's a brief overview of what's happened... :)

OKAY. where do i begin. in november, i still really liked this one guy. who isn't even a part of my life anymore. long story with that, but let's just say that i'm too awesome and he couldn't handle it. lmao. (you'll notice that this is a recurring theme with guys in my life if you stick around and read my blog often enough). anyway, that was back in the very beginning of december. then about halfway through december, this guy i met a few months before and i started talking a lot, and we ended up dating... for like a week. he made me the happiest i've ever been, and now, he also is not a part of my life anymore. like i said, i am seriously just way too awesome for him and he couldn't handle it and booked. ;) ha okay so there is way more to the story than that but i'm sure some undesirables who are connected to him will see this and quite frankly, i don't give enough of a damn to even take the time to write the story. so i'll just say this, sometimes people appear to be a certain way, and when you get down to it, they are absolutely nothing like you thought, and you realize you're better off without them. that's all.

so since then, i've been ridin' solo. WORD. over the past couple months i have gotten to know a lot of really great people who i absolutely loveeee! (kort, ally, jas.. i'm talking about you lovely ladies!) all of us have spent countless nights out at chris's lovely fish house, which before this year, i had never even set foot in one. crazy right!? :) more memories have been made out there than i can honestly begin to talk about. i love my crazy friends and our crazy nights together. :)

aaaand the last major thing that has happened in my life really is... drum roll puuhhleeeaseee...... I JOINED A SORORITY! i know what you're thinking.. katie? in a sorority? seriously? it's okay. because honestly, i never could or would have seen myself in a sorority if you had asked me about it even just over christmas break. i had no intention or desire even really to join. i mean, it's not like i had anything against it, it just really wasn't something i knew anything about or wanted to pursue. but when the new semester started, i met two amazing girls (heather and aimee!) in my spanish class, and they are the reason that i am now a new member of Alpha Chi Omega at MSU! :) so thanks girls!! <3 i honestly haven't done much as part of the sorority yet, but i have gone through my first degree of initiation, and i've been to a couple events to mingle and meet all my sisters! even though i am not that involved with AXO yet, i really seriously LOVE it. i love going out and seeing all my sisters and getting to know them better and everything. i'm fairly certain that joining this sorority is one of the best decisions i have made and will make throughout my college career. there's a lot of things in store for me ahead with AXO.. especially from now until the end of March when my official initiation is!! i'm so hacking excited. getting to know everyone and learning everyone's names, i should add, is kinda hard. i suck at remembering names, so if you're one of my sistahs, and you're reading this, you should know i love you and i'm sorry if i ask you 5 times what your name is!! haha

okay so outside of all that stuff... school has otherwise been going well i guess. except math is and always will be a huge pain in my butt. UGH. i skip that class so much i really need to stop. but seriously, if you wanna tutor me, i would be eternally grateful. i sincerely hope that math is not required much further into my major than is just required to fulfill a goal area... efffffffffff. speaking of which! i have actually decided on a major for now! (i think!) i've heard it's really difficult from a few people... but... speech pathology. i am obsessed with the show switched at birth, and it's centered around a lot of sign language and what not, and i am also currently enrolled in a sign language class at MSU. i love it and think it's so frickin sweet, so i kinda figured that i could work with deaf children and help them and make use of sign language toooo! :) so we'll see where that goes. i don't need to declare a major yet but perhaps next year. OKAY. well this blog is really boring i know because it's just an update of my life and my life really isn't all that exciting. maybe next post will be more fun and interesting. :P OKAY WELL I NEED SLEEPS NOW BECAUSE I HAVE A FEW TESTS TOMORROW... that i haven't studied for yet. good night all you sexy bias. :)

peace and blessings. <3

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